Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Thrift Store Upcycle: Part 3

I have these ledges in my kitchen and living room. I never know what to put up there. I don't like a lot of clutter.

See that vase???? I bought that awhile back at Ross for about 13 bucks. About a week later the kids broke it. I glued it back together and stuck it up on the ledge. No one knows better except me. And you now I guess.
My mom loves bird cages as decorations in her home. Mister Studly teases her about them all the time. So when I had a $15 store credit to use at Rod Works, I found myself this bird cage and brought it home. Mister Studly thinks I am turning into my Mother.

And now my little $1.00 thrift store find joins the bunch up on the ledge. I like the little pop of color it adds.

Spray Paint is fun!!!

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